- 'Is that John over there?' 'I'm not sure'. “那边那个人是约翰吗?”“我说不准。”
- Am I seeing things or is that Bill over there? I thought he was dead. 是我看花眼了呢,还是在那儿的人是比尔呢?我以为他死了。
- Am I seeing things or is that Bill over there ? 是我看花眼了,还是比尔在那儿呢?
- Whose statue is that over there? 那边那个雕像是谁?
- The only cup I have is that one over there. 那边那个就是我唯一的奖杯。
- Who is that strange man over there? 那边的陌生人是谁?
- Look, is that part of the Great Wall over there? 瞧,那边是一段长城吗?
- Who is that man signing books over there? 在那里签名的那个男人是谁?
- What is that machine over there? 那边那部是什么机器?
- Whose tape recorder is that? Is that John's, too? 那是谁的录音机?那也是约翰的吗?
- Is that your blue van over there? 那个蓝色货车是你的吗?
- Is that John Brown, or David Brown ? 你要接JohnBrown还是DavidBrown?
- Am I seeing things or is that Bill over there? 是我看花眼了,还是比尔在那儿呢?
- Is that big room over there your office? 那边那个大房间是你的办公室吗?
- What is that headstone I see over there? 约西亚问说,我所看见的是什么碑。
- MRS. FARIAS: Paulo, is that Joana over there? 保罗,那边那位是不是琼娜?
- Mr. Anderson :Who is that guy over there? 安德森先生:谁是那个家伙在那里?
- E.g. Who is that John Doe standing next to the billionaire? 站在那个亿万富翁旁的普通男人是谁?
- Mona: Look over there, Dad. Is that a dolphin in the water? 蒙纳:你看那边,爸爸!水里的是海豚吗?
- It is expected that John will be back by ten. 约翰在十点以前回来是预料中的事。